Senior Power October Meeting: ‘Voting’
Voting is a right but sometimes there are so many candidates & issues that it is not an easy job. On October 10, 2019 at 10AM at Taraval Police Station, Senior Power tried to make the process a little easier. First there was Eileen Boken, from SPEAK to remind us of the importance of having our vote count & stressing our ability to make a difference (in last election, D4 had 3rd biggest turn-out in SF); followed by Ligia Montano, Healthcare Organizing Director of Senior & Disability Action. Ligia took us through SF Propositions A-F, giving the “Senior slant” on why they particularly impact our age group.
A lively discussion followed with different opinions & concerns raised. That’s the point. We all individually must make up our minds. The issue is to follow through with our opinions & cast our vote accordingly. Our speaker panel of the day finished with John Edmiston, SF ReServe Applicant & ReServist Manager, a follow up on our “Hire A Senior” campaign. Opportunities exist for rejoining the work force.
With the upcoming holidays, election, etc. we then spent a little time in Meditation training to mellow out the bad vibes, followed by raffle prizes & light refreshments.